Let Me Find Out!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Sex Clouds of Judgment

Author's preface: this is not a suitable post for underageness...

Is your name Yemaja? Aw hell naw... it's got to be Oshun!

~Darius Lovehall "Love Jones"

I was thinking last night about how long it's been since I had sex... um, with another person... and it dawned on me, that I am a very sexual being... so it's weird how much cloudier my mind can become when not getting a little extra attention than when I am. It's weird because that's "bass ackwards" as my daddy would say.
Generally, sex clouds judgment making us less likely to make the best decision because of the sex. I am guilty of this once... many, many moons ago in my younger days staying in a relationship because the sex was maaaagnificent. Even though he was a jerk.

I commend people who wait till marriage to have sex and in many instances I have wondered what would my life be like if I were still a virgin... but since I'm not lol, let's address the topic at hand... granted I'm definitely not a slut. I've passed up more sex than a little bit and you'd seriously be surprised at how ridiculously low my number is (I don't believe one needs 30-40, hundreds of partners to "get good" just (like with anything) lots of practice). But I do believe sex to be one of the most beautiful acts that two people who love each other can do together to not only experience a euphoric state (orgasm) but create life.

In the same breath, it's pleasant to get to know someone without the pressure of sex interrupting the flow of things, but man... what about your needs?? I sound like a man, hunh? But let's be real, doesn't a romp in the bed kinda calm things down when things are too tense? too much?

"They should just bone and get that shit over with."
~Mike Lowry "Bad Boys"

A friend of mine is dating someone who she's known for a while but they have only been dating a month... STD tests check out, she already knows what he does in bed and is concerned that he hasn't yet made a move. They rolled around a little "by accident" the first night they reunited, but stopped abruptly in the middle because he felt weird just jumping right back in the sack like they'd never been apart. She hurt him in their previous dynamic. But she says the passion was there... but now since then he's not tried again and wants me in all my in-expertise, to try and decipher this Davinci Code. *throws up arms* lol

Not sure what to say... while sex isn't EVERYTHING, it certainly is something. A necessary something. Different strokes (pun intended) for different folks so frequency and intensity may vary but at some point it should be discussed what's really taking place. In the situation with my homegirl, I told her to wait it out some. It's only been a month, hornball! :)

We women think men want to screw all day, everyday... and in many cases we might be right. It's always flattering (in my opinion as usual) to have someone pawing at you than not... let's you know you're wanted, desired, needed... makes you feel sexy, seductive, special. I hope my homegirl and her man find a delicate balance as soon as possible.

Oshun... out.

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