In normal dynamics, professionals are called in... contractors, plumbers, specialist in landscaping, construction or whatever. But your girl is young, fabulous and broke, so I am calling on the D.I.Y. (do it yourself queen) my "mom-in-law"... over the past 30-some odd years she has built china cabinets, bookshelves, kitchen supplies, shelving, reupholstered couches and re-did her floors. She is truly my handy inspiration. She is on vacation for two weeks but already knows to enjoy it thoroughly cause when she gets back, she, my sketches and I are gwan to work. I was gonna do it myself, but I can't afford costly mistakes. I had to bring in the big guns. Thankfully, everything I wanna do is cosmetic... I'm very, very excited.
In other but similar news...
This new, don't tell people details about my business thing is pretty cool and entertaining all at the same time. I mean, I am a blogger which pretty much means across the board you're an open book. If you don't have a blog strictly devoted to some topic (health and wellness, politics, relationships, design, your own business) most of us just ramble on and on about our lives and things that no one really cares about. But hopefully do it in an interesting way that will garner the attention of complete strangers. So it's easy for us to tell our whole life story when someone asks us a simple question. This has been my way all my life... I divulge all my information about my job, my spouse or whatever when there's a problem and rarely talk about the GOOD stuff. The truth was evident in my journals... I wrote when I was sad, when he was pissing me off. When I was miserable and unhappy. I never wrote about the good days. I am tryin this new thing I've branded: The Bare Necessity. Only what you really need to know and ONLY should be nosy enough to ask.
I am goign to continue living life as only an optimist should... both eyes forward only focusing on the positive because for the last six months, that is what kept me sane. And I loved every minute of it. Even when heartbreak and craziness tried to deter me, I was able to get right back on track and that was fun for me. As I move into this "new life" I have to keep Jah infront of me, a smile on my face, and positivity in my heart. And I will.
My house is great... my home will be better.
...and your "castle" will be perfect.
I wish you would stop being like me! I have also struggled with turning my house into a home. I will have lived there 3 years next month. I thought buying all new furniture and trinkets would be enough but alas, what I have realized is that there are some deeper issues as to why I have never felt comfortable any place I've lived even for years.
An added similarity is the tight-lippedness about our lives. I too, tend to divulge too much to too many then when things go wrong, I spend months dodging innocent inquires about what is now a terrible situation, or avoid people altogether.
Hopefully, we can help each other out in tacking these obstacles together.
Thanks for stoppin by for a read, Terry... I hope you're right.
@ Lady J... yeah, feeling comfortable is important. I am taking that into consideration in all things. Finding where you feel comfortable and make it the best you can. Homes, relationships etc. etc... it should all make you comfy first, then rehab that shit like whoa.
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