a series of "funny" events written undoubtedly a tad confusing like the mind that composes it just try to follow along best you can. SO, nobody can ever tell me again that G*d doesn't exist. Not only do we pretty much witness Him in everything we experience: our morning rise, the birds and flowers and sun that greets us, but we also see Him in everything we do. When we follow Him, live as He has set forth for us, I truly believe He blesses us beyond measure. A longtime-online friend of mine and I recently got back in touch. I am blessed to "know" several sistren thanks to the beauty of the World Wide Web. We initially met on a site that was helping us
learn how to love and care for our tresses as Jehovah intended. And we would "run into" each other in various forums on health and wellness (did you workout today?, Weight Watchers and the like), parenting (trying to conceive, new moms etc.) It truly was a pleasing experience. Mrs. Delight (that's what we'll call her) was truly someone I envied. Not in the jealous, green-eyed monster kinda way, but this sista was just... awesome. She was a newlywed who'd just conceived her first child as a product of a procedure for someone who was having difficulty getting pregnant. She was just always a blessing to talk to. She and her husband had Jah first in their lives. And it was evident she was blessed just from how she spoke on the forums and blessed those around her.
It's no secret that I have always figured myself more spiritual than religious. In fact, even now after
finally deciding on a religion, I still find myself still more spiritual than anything. I am not, nor will ever be one that condemns someone else for the God they serve, or if they don't believe in a God at all. Different strokes for different folks and when it's all said and done even though a majority (if not all) of religions believe that there is only one "correct" God, I think we're all secretly hoping that our God (by whichever name) has the winning hand... but I digress. Another blog for another day. Any who, this sista was definitely RELIGIOUS but not in that annoying way where she would hound you to do anything, pray for you off rip or anything weird like that. You just SAW it... in her spirit. And I loved how she presented herself, loved when she shared pics of her daughter and hubby, loved when she told stories of her weight loss, loved when she told stories of their first home. She just never appeared to be sad ... ever. Not saying that she was never sad or had problems, but if she did, she knew how to deal wid it sooo well. And I guess you could say, I looked up to her and admired her. So much to the point where I sorta, kinda a lil bit stalked her very old
Fotki album as a way to find her. Sent her a message and now we're
Facebook friends. lol We'd both sporadically been on the other outlets we'd stayed in touch via and now can stick close for as long as Facebook remains free and crack-like. I was happy to find that she and her hubby and their now TWO children were happy and still blessed. I just adore her. And I appreciate her for doing it right! I need those kinda presences in my life. Not that my friends suck or anything, but there's a reason I missed her yanno? And she still puts God first. There's gotta be something there, man. We can make any situation "work" and happy for those of us in it... if we follow
the guidelines set out before us.
Don't Listen to What Ya Friends SaySO, every time I type a blog I Google summa my thoughts and/or the title and see what imagery I can find that will correspond wid it. The above underline statement was gwan be a blog post in it's own, but then all these "funny" things started happening, and I decided to make just one long blog because they are all Jah-centered. (Me and my tangents... yikes!) This search, I typed in my title and a song by Fantasia came up. I like Fantasia, but I haven't really bought an album or dug her teaser song (the song they put on the radio to get you interested in buying the album) since the first one. So I have been out the loop, but she has a song called, "Bump What Ya Friends Say." Interestingly enough, what I was going to talk about that day. So I googled the lyrics and ultimately got the song and of course it's sung beautifully (how could it not be, her voice is amazing but whatevs). A nice little ballad about following your heart and don't listen to your friends/family.
So you gotta, you gotta follow your heart when it speaks
So bump what your friends say, yea
Cause they might lead you the wrong way
You know when you're in love. I just thought this was funny because we always ask for advice from these mere mortals instead of asking the ones who we really need to listen to... like ourselves and more importantly, Jah.
This was brought on by one of my most favorite first cousins still hung up on an ex BOYFRIEND who committed the cardinal relationship sin: cheating. And I mean, hard core. When I went through my relationship downfall
not cheating related my cousin had no mercy on my co-parent. When I was feeling sad or like "working it out" she told me to get over it... exercise my energy elsewhere etc. etc. Now that she and her ex are on the fritz she still continues to be friendly wid him (something she told me NOT to do and my situation wasn't nearly as drastic as hers ... in retrospect)... I still love her... she's only human. And it was my idea to take my problem to her versus the only being who really could answer the question for me.
SO, what you're saying is in one weekend... the same weekend... two people of my "past" want to talk to me... about you? There's some sort of revelations being passed out about clarity and having you first in our lives before we can build lives, friendships... families. You never make it very easy do ya?
Today I will sit in front of Co-Parent and for the first time in six months really address some things we never did for whatever reason. Bitterness... hurt... anger... whatever. Thursday I sat down wid the friend turned lover who was my rock during a difficult time, showing me all the qualities of a husband a queen deserves but our issues needed tending... It's uncanny that they both want to discuss in a matter of days. I thought I would come out tomorrow wid the clarity I needed but I am slowly learning that they will probably both give me much to think about. I, after all, am still thinking about my Thursday discussion. And I will have to take any and all questions and concerns to the Creator. No one else. If I am lucky, I will be able to salvage two friendships... in a single weekend
On my way to perform some community service... get out and enjoy the weather... embrace all things happily and see the world through a child's eyes today. It's fun.
I'll keep ya'll posted... as always.
But very funny, Jah. I get it. Hardy har har....